Superiors' Messages

Christmas Message 2024

My dear Brethren, Christmas of 2024 arrives with new hopes and many challenges of our times. Now, again, we recall the God who became a baby and was born for us all. Once again, the unconditional Love of God the Father gives us the gift of His Son Jesus, who comes to enrich our human poverty with His richness, to relieve the suffering of the world, to give hope of peace, to increase the joy of the encounter with Him and with one another.

Mary welcomed God’s project with her unconditional “Fiat” and became the first to walk the new path. At this Christmas, let us contemplate the two scenes of Jesus in her lap – baby Jesus and the pieta – and learn to walk forth with audacity.

At Christmas time, I am always aware that there can be both joys and struggles. There is joy in feasting and celebrating with family, friends and the community of the Church.

There can also be struggles for those who are alone, separated from family or the community, and for those who have lost loved ones.

Let us enjoy these Christmas season also without forgetting those who are most in need of our help, of the charity of a gesture, of a good word... then the Word will continue to settle down in our families and communities and it will make sense to wish us a Merry Christmas!

May every blessing of the Child Jesus come upon you, your communities and your families this Christmas and may the love and the joy and the peace of Christ be with you all and always.

Yours in Child Jesus,

Bro. Bastin Karuvelil MMB

Superior General