Pakhanjore is a tehsil in Kanker district, a small town 125 Kms away from district headquarters. Pakhanjore is surrounded by forest and hills. There are nearly 170 villages in this tehsil. Educational facilities are mainly in the town areas.
Understanding this pathetic situation of the Assisi Province decided to extend their service to this area. Brothers reached Pakhanjore in the year 2002 and stayed with the parish priest in the Presbytery. After the survey and careful study we have started a boarding house - Assisi Hostel - in the same year in the building of the diocese. Mar Simon Stock Palathara CMI, the Bishop of Jagadalpur diocese, offered initial help for the same and we gratefully remember this pioneer missionary.
Then we purchased a plot of land in the main road and started construction with the help of some well-wishers abroad. The ground floor of the building was completed in the year 2003 and shifted the Brothers residence and hostel to the new building. The increasing demand for more admissions forced us to build the First floor of the building and it was inaugurated on December 12, 2006. Now we are in a position to admit 50 inmates in the hostel. The Boys’ Home has created much interest and enthusiasm among the village children. We hope that these boys with modern education and Christian formation would become heralds of education and development in their villages in future.
Considering the backwardness of the area, the province is planning to start social work for the economical uplift of the people. Bro. Gonsalo Porathukkaran is leading the centre towards its new heights.