
Established Year :


Khorabar, Gorakhpur
Brother Bosco Nellamkuzhiyil, Brother Gonsalo Porathukaran & Brother Geo Palakuzhy
St. Therese of Lisieux
October, 04
Pushpalaya, Khorabar P.O., Gorakhpur - 273 410, U.P. State, India.
Superior : Brother Norvy Valiyamuramthankil, #####    Assistant Superior : Brother James Karikkattil


Gorakhpur is one of the most Northern dioceses in the state of Uttar Pradesh in North India, which borders the Kingdom of Nepal in the North, near the foothills of Himalaya Mountains. It was in the initial years of the diocese of Gorakhpur, the first Bishop of the diocese, Mar Dominic Kokkatt, invited MMB to take part in the missionary activities of the diocese. We feel honoured and privileged by the invitation and accepted it gladly.  Bros. Bosco Nellamkuzhyil and Gonsalo Poruthukkaran came to Gorakhpur in the year 1989 as pioneers and served in Cpantanganj and Balavaniya respectively. The diocese provided a plot of land and the congregation established “Pushpalaya Ashram” on March 05, 1992 in an existing shed there. The new building was completed in the year 1995 and brothers shifted to the new House.

Brothers are actively involved in village development activities through adult education, health care, medical camps, classes on modern farming, women empowerment, small saving programmes etc. Vast majority of the population belong to Hindu religion. Normally the people admire and appreciate our services in the field of education, health care and social development. Thus one way or other highly valuable messages are transmitted to the public through our centers and village development activities. In order to provide job opportunities for the unemployed youth, we started Printing press and training centre in the year 1995.  The great service of Bro. Geo Palakuzhy in this institute in the initial stage will be remembered forever. Now we are in a position to train ten youth in printing technology every year. This centre fulfils the printing requirements of the dioceses and of the religious congregations. 

Considering the need of the villagers Brothers started Boys’ Home for the education of the needy children in 1996. Presently in the Boys’ Home, nearly 40 children are provided with boarding and lodging, medical care and formation in human and moral values by the help of some well-wishers. They attend the nearby convent school and get modern education and formation. Bro. Norvy Valiyamurathankal is serving as the Superior and the manager of Boys’ Home and Bro. James Karikkattil as the manager of the printing training centre.