
Established Year :

Prathiksha Bhavan,

Daya Tolly
Daya Tolly, Chatra
Brother Poulose Arumbuparambil,
St. Francis of Assisi
October, 04
Prathiksha Bhavan, Daya Tolly, Mardanpur Village, Moktama P.O., Chatra - 825 401, Jharkhand State.
Superior : Brother Tomy Aramath


The provincial synaxis of Assisi Province held in the year 2006 decided to extend the service of the province to the state of Jharkhand. The provincial council took it seriously and studied the situations of the different dioceses of Jharkhand and found Hazaribagh diocese is most suitable for the same. After the consultation with Most Rev. Anand Jojo, Bishop of Hazaribagh diocese the ‘Pratiksha Bhavan’ was started in the year 2017 at Chatra in a rented house.  

The main intention of the establishment of the house was to serve the needy people in the suburbs of Chatra, the most undeveloped area of Jharkhand state. Tuition centres for the school going students and the uneducated youth was started by Bro. Tomy Aramath in different villages and few self help groups for the economic stability of the villagers.

Now Pratiksha Bhavan is also functioning as a recruitment centre for the candidates for the Province. Bro. Tomy Aramath serves as the vocation promoter of the province