
Established Year :

Santhom Sevashram,

Judepur , Jhansi
Brother Poulose Arumbuparambil,
St. Thomas the Apostle
July, 03
Santhom Sevashram, Judepur - Buda Village P.O., Jhansi - 284 002, U.P. State, India
Superior : Brother Bosco Nellamkuzhi, ##### Assistant Superior : Brother John Kuttikkatt


In 1992 Rt. Rev. Dr. Frederick D’Souza, the then bishop of Jhansi, invited our brothers to Judepur.In 1994 Bros. Paulose Arumbuparambil and Thaddeus Arackal arrived in Judepur and started staying at the farm house. After studying the situation the Congregation took the responsibility of the mission station on May 24, 1995.    

The Assisi Province of the Malabar Missionary Brothers started ‘Arunodaya Special School’ at Judepur, Jhansi in the year 1996. The aim of this school is to identify these differently abled children who are ignored by their relatives and society and isolated in the dark corners of their houses.  With the fraternal help to bring up them to a practical level of participation as the members of the family and community. Considering the urgency of the problem, ‘Arunodaya’ began functioning with just six children in a small room of the brothers’ residence itself. As a result of the scientific training and personal care, much development was evident in all students.  This created a very good reputation for our school.  The Newspapers carried good coverage about our school.  Gradually the superstitions began to decline and the inflow of new students began to increase. During the year 2001, a separate school was put up with 4 class rooms, an office room, teacher’s room, children’s recreation center, physical exercise equipment and a large playground. And again in 2006 we built the first floor of the School with 5 more classrooms. The school was recognized by the state government for inclusive education. Considering the progress of the differently abled children the parents of the hearing impaired students were forced to start a separate section for their wards.  Hence ‘Arunodaya’ started taking admission of Hearing Impaired students in 2005 onwards. 

Presently ‘Arunodaya Special School has 30 mentally challenged and 17 hearing impaired children. During a surprise visit, an officer of the social welfare department of the state government recently remarked that ‘Arunodaya’ is by all means the best of its kind presently functioning in the district for inclusive education. A team of dedicated staff is serving here for the welfare these students in the leadership of Bros. Bosco Nellamkuzhi, John Kuttikkatt and Thomas Kollamparambil.